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Engineering Biz

Categories of Engineering

In most cases students dream of pursuing an engineering course without taking into consideration the different disciplines involved.  Engineering involves a number of areas such as civil, mechanical, chemical and electrical engineering among others. In order to pursue any of the engineering disciples you will need a lot of hard work and dedication. Pursuing an engineering course demands dedication and hard work. Before taking a step to enroll for an engineering course you should first do research and find out the branches available and identify the one that best suits you.


 Architectural engineering is one of the disciples that are found in engineering.  Designing of buildings to be constructed is the main job of the architectural engineers.  There job is not to construct the buildings but to ensure that the designs meet the utility and the physical strength required. Biomedical engineering involves the utilization of engineering principles in the field of medicine.  Biomedical engineering has significantly contributed to the development of body tissue development technology. Biomedical engineers use design principles combined with biological sciences in modernizing healthcare.  Since it is an new engineering discipline it is suitable for students who love to explore new ideas.


 Another new engineering area is agricultural engineering. The work of agricultural engineers is to apply the engineering principles in improving the agricultural sectors such as production and farming.  The disciplines is more sophisticated since it involves the application of skills from different engineering disciplines and plant and animal biology.


 Computer engineers at have contributed to the development of computer hardware and software through the application of computer science and electrical engineering skills and principles.  Computer engineers have been credit for contributions such as cryptography, distributed systems, data protection and wireless networks.  It is one of the engineering courses that has high demand in the telecommunication industry.


 Civil engineering is the second oldest engineering discipline after military engineering. Civil engineers at this website take credit for most of the developments in the community such as construction of roads and bridges. Civil engineering has contributed to the development of the society in terms of construction of bridges and roads. Apart from playing a role in development of the society, they are also involved in planning, designing and undertaking of the construction.


 Through the application of engineering skills and principles, environmental engineers has helped in improving the environmental conditions.  Environmental engineering has contributed to the improvement of the hygienic conditions of air, water and land.  Environmental engineering ensures that the damages to the environment through pollution are minimal.  Mechanical, industrial, manufacturing, nuclear are also some of the engineering disciples that are at your disposal to study.


In most case the name of the engineering field define their area of specialization.  I hope this article has helped in enlightening you about some of the engineering disciplines that exist.